Luca Mucavele is a musician, educator, researcher, and instrument builder. His preferred musical instrument is the nvoko, a large electric bass guitar-like instrument that he constructed, upon study of the traditional chinvokvoko, a Tsonga bowed single-string musical bow. He is also an expert builder of mbira nyunga nyunga, and has created an atelier to pass along his knowledge and craftsmanship to a younger generation of instrument builders. In the following video, posted to Facebook on July 9th, 2017, Luka is performing his nvoko in duo with one of his students, Ivan Mucavele, playing the mbira nyunga nyunga.
Luca Mucavele was a performer and speaker at the 2016 Bow Music Conference in Durban, South Africa, where he and Gregory Beyer met for the first time in person. This was an important meeting, as transcriptions and analyses of Mucavele’s field recordings of xitende musical bow performer, Antonio Maquina, feature prominently in Gregory Beyer’s DMA thesis, “O Berimbau: A Project of Ethnomusicological Research, Musicological Analysis, and Creative Endeavor.”
Profesor luca mucavele ao lado de ivan mucavele festival raiz tradicional praaaaaa